Everybody wants to go to work and feel safe. Not to mention feeling seen, heard and valued. The good news is, there is a way.
Today is National Be Kind Day, and there’s one type of kindness that often gets pushed to the back - self kindness.
We are inundated with magical pool room moments. How will you capture yours?
Developing leadership skills through building community connections and projects has the most profound impact, and it’s time for more organisations to get on board.
Well, I did it! I’ve actually released 100 shows on my podcast ‘Get Off The Bench’. And then I cracked open a little pack of cards - OUCH!
I’m not sure if tiki’s are good luck, but today my Tiki passed over the rainbow bridge and I just don’t know why we are so slow to embrace life. It’s just too short!
What is success? This is a loaded question and I don’t think there is a perfect, or agreeable answer.
Apparently bullfrogs don’t sleep! Well, humans do, but we all have something that keeps us up at night. What’s that thing for you?
Here’s to letting out 2021 with a massive sigh, and inviting in and writing a whole new story for 2022.
No doubt you know the fable of the tortoise and the hare, but here’s a reminder about consistency…
I’ve had so much input these past 18 months, but only once I was burnt out did I realise it’s all an inside job.
We seem to have a nutty switch inside of us that triggers whenever our routines are derailed. Sometimes we just have to let go of the things that are pulling us off the tracks.
We spend a lot of years questioning what our path is in this life. All day, every day, we are making decisions that are sending us in the direction of either hotter or colder.
Have you ever had a conversation with somebody and been compelled to say ‘I love you’, even though you knew it was unprofessional?
There’s a gender imbalance in play as women have a natural tendency to downplay their skills, talents, and abilities. Too often they feel too small to make a difference.
A bridge joins two worlds - where I am now and where I want to be. We have the capacity and self determination at our finger tips to literally design our future.
Do you ever have a conversation with somebody and walk away thinking “she’s nice”?
We often hear that age old adage, ‘put your own oxygen mask on before helping others’. It seems logical right?
Don’t we realise how precious this life is? Every single day that passes, we can never have it back.
When I was a kid, all I wanted to be was a rockstar. The thought of being on a massive stage performing to thousands gave me the biggest buzz.
This year, make a pact with yourself not to let the days fold into one big hair ball and choke you. Find something mindless to do and commit even a tiny slice of time each day to just stop.
Last year gave me the chance to stop and really think about what was important in my life, and high on the list was owning my time. Essentially doing more of what I love.
Today is World Kindness Day and people from all around the world will undertake random acts of kindness. But how does this affect our health?
We don’t need more champions ‘now more than ever’ - we need more champions every single day.
How many times have you heard the word ‘resilience’ lately? I don’t know about you, but since the pandemic started I’ve heard or read it over and over - daily.
When was the last time you took the time out to soul search and ask yourself if now’s a good time for some deep, even confronting growth? If you’re anything like me you’ll say it was years ago!
I recently caught up with an old friend and seriously wondered if I had slept through some type of time-warped eclipse where personal behaviour has no accountability.
20 seconds truly can change your life. Specifically, I'm talking about 20 seconds of courage. Think about it. What can you do in 20 seconds?
Maybe if we stop resisting, we will see a door we never saw before - one that will show us the pot of gold we’ve been looking for all along.
“You need to calm down” - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told this in my life and to be honest, it’s starting to wear thin!
How many times do you have an idea, or really want to try something - only to end up shelving it because you’re worried what people will think? - Guest writer Nicky Williams
Have you ever wanted to do something or try something, but instantly decided it’s just all too hard?
Have you ever stopped to consider how often you say “I don’t know how to…”? Very often, I suspect!
It may be a hard pill to swallow, but you simply can’t free yourself until you do…