How to feel alignment with your truth


By Kerryn Vaughan

26th March 2021

We spend a lot of years questioning what our path is in this life. Some might call it their purpose. Personally I like to call it my truth.

Most of us know there’s something much bigger at play than just our body filled with bones and juices. We intuitively know it. 

Sometimes there are unexplained occurrences, sometimes we get a feeling in our gut, and sometimes we just don’t feel right. We know in these moments that we should pay attention but we rarely do.

And fair enough! Because how do we know what’s causing this feeling?

Is it a real threat?

Is it my belief system telling me something that isn’t true?

Is it that part of my brain trying to keep me safe?

Is it something I’ve inherited from those around me?

Am I just scared and trying to justify it?

And if it’s an amazingly positive thing, we start to question if we’re just trying to make it something it isn’t.

Even worse, we downplay amazing things because we find it necessary to believe that inevitably something bad will happen to undo it - so let’s not get too happy!

But if we start to pay close attention to how we feel, we can actually determine whether we’re moving closer to alignment, or whether we’re straying a long way off track.


Why is this important? Because we all want our life to have meaning. We want to know that our life matters, and every single one of us deserves to feel the joy of bringing our unique set of gifts to the world.

We all know the difference between feeling good and feeling bad. So that’s easy. 

In essence, if we feel bad we are in conflict with our truth, and if we feel great we are in the flow of our truth.

Seems simple.

But what about those feelings that are hard to determine or distinguish?

The fear that arises when we’re about to give a speech, or do something new that scares the pants off us? Is this just excitement or am I being guided not to do it?

Consider for a moment that we are all energy. We vibrate at certain frequencies when we feel different things. For example, peace, joy and love have super high frequencies, and apathy, guilt and shame have very low frequencies.

So we can literally feel it in our bodies when we are vibrating fast or slow.

All day, every day, we are making decisions that are sending us in the direction of either hotter or colder.

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When we are in alignment with our truth, we vibrate at a high frequency. We can barely even feel our body and it feels really light. We might even feel light headed if sudden exciting news is delivered. 

If this news or event is out of our comfort zone, we might look for excuses as to why we shouldn’t do it, but in the high vibration state, we won’t be able to find any.

We have high energy and enthusiasm, as well as having a feeling of acceptance and calm. Things take less effort, and we are highly engaged.

However, when we are moving further away from our truth, we vibrate at a low frequency. Our body feels heavy and we are very aware of pains and ailments. Our head feels heavy, and we justify our actions or avoidance with past-used and familiar excuses.

We’re lethargic, frustrated and lack motivation to even do things we enjoy. We use negative narratives and blame others for our situation. We become disengaged.

These are two very different states and easy to identify once you start practising feeling the vibration.

So start paying close attention to how you feel, and continually ask yourself ‘am I getting hotter or colder?’, and keep adjusting your calibrations to more often move closer to your hotter.

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Kerryn Vaughan is the author of ‘Magnificent Kids!’ and ‘Get Off The Bench!’, founder of One Planet Classrooms, co-founder of Girls With Hammers, and host of Get Off The Bench Podcast.

Kerryn is also a DISC ADVANCED® accredited consultant.