Tim Bye - Making candles with pride

Tim Bye is The Gay Farmer, and also the proud creator of The Gay Farmer Candles.

In 2016, Tim was working in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne, and was bullied, harassed and discriminated against in the workplace, simply for being gay. He was then terminated after complaining about the treatment he was receiving from the manager. 

Tim hoped WorkSafe Vic would help, but sadly they didn’t. This led to Tim’s mental health declining badly, and he now suffers with severe mental health issues.

In 2022, Tim’s niece visited and told Tim about how she made candles, and how it was relaxing and a great creative outlet. Recognising his own creative spark, Tim wanted to try this in the hope that his mental health would improve. He started making candles for his friend, Molly Irvine to raise money for her to compete in a World Championship Triathlon event.

Falling in love with candle making, Tim now makes 100% Soy Candles in drink ware, so the candle jars have a second use and people get something other than a jar they would ordinarily throw out.


Website: https://thegayfarmer.com.au/

FB: The Gay Farmer Candles

Insta: The Gay Farmer Candles @thegayfarmeraus


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